Install Windows 2000 In Dosbox Frontend
I think it's mostly abandoned, I want to upgrade the source code to fix my QHD issues and could look at fixing the icon issues too, but first I need the original creator to get into contact and perhaps send me pngimage.dcu and zlibex.dcu as I am unable to compile the code with Delphi 7, it also complained about the use of inline, so I am unsure how to configure so I can make the DFend.exe, PM. Installing Windows 95 in DOSBox. Jump to bottom. SparrOSDeveloperTeam edited this page Sep 9, 2017 9 revisions Notes. You will need a copy of the Windows 95 boot disk. Step 1: DOSBox Setup. Edit DOSBOX.CONF (the configuration file for DOSBox) and some of the lines with this code (if it exists).
Hi after several fixes tried and a lot of time without getting DosBox to run on Windows 10,
i finally found a real solution that works with everybody. Before it crashes directly back to the Desktop or freezes the system..
DosBox 0.74, the latest official release is several years old now, so years of bugfixing and upgrading are simply not included. Despite that it is still under active developement and just hasn't released an offcical build yet.
Here is what works, you need a stable SVN build which has all vital Problems fixed and even gives you some sweet new features. The best one to use as of now is the dosbox-daum SVN version.
Here is the link:
deinstall your 0.74 version and install the downloaded release, it's also available with installer. It doesn't need further tweaking (it could though) and works perfect on a modern Windows 10 System. No more crashes or freezing. You are able to run all games again.
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If you have releases just go to the games folder, into the /DOSBOX Folder, delete everything in it and then copy all files from the dosbox-daum SVN folder you just freshly installed. Also go into the games root folder (directory up and look for a 'dosbox_******.conf file (where ***** stands for the name or shorthand of the game, e.g: Shadow Warrior had it named 'dosbox_swarrior.conf'). rename this to 'dosbox_*****_old.conf. finally fo into /DOSBOX again (inside the games root folder) and copy 'dosbox.conf' into the root folder where you just renamed the .conf file. Finally rename the copied file into 'dosbox_*****.conf' (exactly the same name which the file had you renamed to dosbox_*****_old.conf)
Dosbox Windows Phone
That's it, smooth sailing from here on. If you're curious and/or adventureous you could edit the new .conf file and make use of new shaders, filters and other improvements. They are all documented on the page where you download the dosbox_daum SVN Version (the link in this text)
Install Windows 2000 In Dosbox Frontend Windows 7