Johnson Outboard Model And Serial Number
- Johnson Outboard Serial Number Search
- Johnson Outboards By Serial Number
- Johnson Outboard Serial Number Code
The year is encrypted in the serial number or model number on almost any Johnson outboard. From 1980 to present the year is coded in the serial number. If the Johnson or Johnson Evinrude is older then 1980, you can find the year of the outboard using one of several methods. OMC Outboards 1980 to 2004. MODEL RUN or SUFFIX: J = Johnson (blank) = 15 in. (The Suffix codes and any codes before the Style entry aren't important to consumer) E = Evinrude. YEAR BUILT ( match letter to number ) 4 = Four-Stroke Motor: AE = Electric Start (Alaska Model) AR = Rope Start (Alaska Model) EXAMPLES: BA = AC Lighting (Rope.
Started in the early 1980s when US Marine took over the Chrysler outboard factory in Hartford, Wisconsin, Force brand outboards originally were featured as standard equipment in Bayliner Boats. The Force brand was acquired by Brunswick, the manufacturer of Mercury outboards, and eventually discontinued in 1999. Force outboards can be identified using the ID tag or sticker, which contains the necessary identification information.
Step 1
Find the identification tag. For Force outboards less than 90-horsepower, the ID tag is found on the outboard engine's mounting bracket, where the outboard mounts to the stern of the vessel. The ID tag is best viewed when the outboard is tilted up, out of the water. On Force outboards over 90-horsepower, the ID tag is normally found inside the engine hood, the outboard's removable top cover.
Step 2
Write down the information found on the Force ID tag, which contains the outboard serial number, model year, year manufactured and the model designation. Example Force outboard model designations are '43F7A' and ' 903F90A.'
Johnson Outboard Serial Number Search
Johnson Outboards By Serial Number
Identify the Force outboard using a model designation key. For example, model numbers '43F7A' and ' 903F90A' decode as follows: '4' and '90' identify the outboard's horsepower; in this case, 4-horsepower and 90-horsepower, respectively. The '3' in both examples refers to a long-leg outboard with no power trim, while the letter 'F' stands for Force. The '7' and '90' digits correspond to the year, with '7' indicating 1987 and '90' indicating 1990. The final position stands for any engineering changes made to the engine; in this case, 'A' identifies the outboard's first modification.
Johnson Outboard Serial Number Code
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